Kamis, 25 November 2010

Delicious Halal Dim Sum

Not to Hong Kong if it does not eat Dim Sum. So they say. Dim Sum, this flour-based foods, the dessert menu was originally derived from China's past kings. Generally, these foods are made from materials that are not kosher. Thus, Muslim tourists to be careful eating them. Dim Sum is a term in Cantonese, which means a snack. Typically, the Dim Sum as a menu for breakfast eaten before lunch or brunch. Food Dim Sum it was popular to the world from Hong Kong.

Dim Sum comprises a variety of small snacks that are usually enjoyed with tea. Activities to drink tea and eat Dim Sum in Hong Kong called yam cha. Yam cha own sense is actually drinking tea. But tea is usually equipped with a Dim Sum meal or snack cantons. Dim Sum is served in small baskets made of bamboo.

So if all Dim Sum in Hong Kong haram? Not really. There is a kosher one. The place is the Islamic Centre in Wan Chai. Here, we can enjoy the Dim Sum at a kosher restaurant, run by a Chinese Muslim. Biasaya, full of restaurants Dim Sum on Saturday and Sunday. Families in Hong Kong generally live separately between parents and their children. Yam cha became their arena to meet and bersilaturahim.

Source: Subroto - bataviase.co.id

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