Soto ayam, who would not ever eat. It must all have been tried, the type of soup in Indonesia is indeed a lot, depending on geographical location as well. Ga believe? Have a soup called soto Bandung Bandung, Makasar coto makasarnya famous, well known for soto surabaya if lamongannya (quasi-tau gw .. haha).
One of the famous soto Lamongan in Surabaya is located in the area Undaan Wetan, his name is Soto Ayam Cak To, precisely after RS Adi Husada hell, just look for the most crowded stalls in a row there in the daytime (suer deh really crowded.) Her store is divided into 2, there is a road on the outskirts of undaan wetan (like a sidewalk cafe, just a tent and seating) and the other shop not far from the previous shop (next to the roadside stalls is a small alley, go wrote about - about 10 meters see left) in the form of a house that doubles as a depot shop owner. The menu is presented so only chicken soup, but buyers can choose which part of chicken cutlet that would eat, like chicken soup with thigh meat only or the chest area only, can be added to the skin when hooked to eat the skin or even if nobody likes off all.
Source : kakankkuta - kakankkuta.wordpress
Look also : hanamasa, ice cream
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